
A fast and lightweight Experience API (TinCan) conformant LRS.
lxHive is Open Source.
Created by G3 International.


lxHive is a fast and lightweight open source xAPI conformant Learning Record Store (LRS). lxHive logs and returns activity statements as defined in the Experience API specification (formerly TinCan API) currently at xAPI Version 1.0.3

The results of learning experiences are stored in a Learning Record Store (LRS). The LRS is defined as part of the Experience API Specification and controls at its core the following functions:

  • authentication of authorised users
  • validation of compliance to the xAPI Standard
  • the storage of learning related data
  • retrieval of learning related data

lxHive is Open Source and published under GNU GPL v3


The application uses MongoDB and PHP and should be easy to install on any web server. It supports Basic Authentication, OAuth 2.0 (Authorization Code Grant) and supports pluggable file storage mechanisms.

Compliant with xAPi 1.0.0 - 1.0.3

Open Source with GNU GPL v3

Secure Authentication with OAuth 2

High performance storage with Mongo DB

Powerful routing with Slim PHP Framework

Structural data validation with JSON Schema

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